Accomplishments and Teamwork
The IMSI is an active member-based forum and fosters collaboration among all of North America’s maple industry partners and sectors.
Our work benefits all maple industry stakeholders including the tens of thousands of maple producers in small rural communities where maple syrup is still produced in local maple woodlands. Natural, pure maple syrup is enjoyed in our domestic markets and exported to over 80 countries around the world. Since 1974, the IMSI has identified, addressed and resolved numerous issues and leveraged opportunities for the benefit of maple producers and maple syrup consumers.
Notably, we collaborated on labeling changes that support consumer knowledge and healthy nutritional decisions. The IMSI has simplified and harmonized the maple syrup grading system for a more easily marketable product for consumers to understand. We work with agencies on standardizing norms and protecting the integrity of the 100% pure maple syrup product on a global scale.

Expert Volunteers Working For The Maple Community
The IMSI is managed by an elected, voluntary board of directors and executive director. Much of the IMSI’s work relies on the participation, knowledge and competencies of its members. Management frequently summons members, other industry participants and stakeholders to form committees to perform specific, ongoing tasks -- these are the standing committees (SC). Special order committees (SOC) are also formed to study specific topics and current industry issues that need attention.
Executive Committee (SC)
Responsible for the day-to-day functions of the organization and making recommendations on issues to the board.
Budget Committee (SC)
Works with the executive director to plan the IMSI’s revenues and expenditures and produces a budget that is presented annually to the board of directors for approval.
Bylaws Committee (SC)
Reviews IMSI bylaws periodically and oversees executive and board compliance in current operation and management processes. In 2023, undertook a full revision of the bylaws to clarify some functional processes and to update the IMSI mission, principles and values.
Audit Committee (SC)
Audits the treasurer’s books of account and reports back to the board on an annual basis.
Regulatory Committee (SC)
Monitors the regulatory environment in Canada and the United States and liaises with governments and their agencies on regulatory matters. Informs the board and members of any changes, issues and actions required.
Nominations Committee (SC)
Works on the continued renewal of the board of directors, executive committee and the annual awards nominations.
Website Committee (SC)
Helps the executive director to update and maintain the IMSI website.
Events Organizing Committee
Works to organize the annual AGM and other activities of the IMSI.
US Maple Market Development Committee (SOC)
Explores ways to promote maple syrup to increase the value and usage of the 100% pure maple syrup brand with consumers.
Industry Statistics Committee (SOC)
Works with NASS on the simplification of the USDA maple statistics annual survey and promotes the awareness and participation of producers to obtain accurate production data.
Environment and Sustainable Development Committee (SOC)
Promotes the maple forest stewardship, sustainable methods and contribution to carbon capture and storage by conserving forested areas and the biodiversity of maple woodlands. Studies and supports environmental programs and legislation to optimize the maple industry’s sustainable methods and low carbon emission performance.
Standard of Identity Committee (SOC)
Modernizing the Canadian, U.S. and global standards to protect the integrity and authenticity of 100% maple syrup sold in over 45 countries.
Maple Quality and Education Committee (SOC)
Supports the work of the University of Vermont and University of Maine to dispense courses to maple producers to educate and help produce a high-quality product consistently in all markets. The IMSI’s Quality Program has been in place for over 30 years.
IMSI/US ALLIANCE Grants Committee (SOC)
Supports the U.S. maple industry's ability to guide and influence the selection of grants for a more strategic allocation and alignment with U.S. maple industry needs.
Isopropyl Alcohol Task Force (SOC)
Working actively to get IA approved for use to sanitize tubing to reduce waste, save time and prolong the use of the tubing which improves environmental performance.
The IMSI Pure Maple Syrup Standards Advisory Group
Prevents adulteration of pure maple syrup and misleading advertising of competing sweeteners.